E163: Tower Time and the Witch's Whetstone

I've seen the calls to action, far and wide, and am working on my own ways to be a part of the Witch's Resistance--as we all should be. But, y'all, the question I keep getting is: how do I even begin? Hold a sign? Join a local group? And the answer is, of course, yes.

But to be a bit more specific: the way that I begin is always to sharpen my athame, my skill sets, and my methodology. And none of those moments are wasted, especially if we have a small window of time to ready ourselves. Snuggle in on the porch, Batchildren. This is a hard talk, but we need to have it.

And get you a whetstone.

Love you like chicken,

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E162: Wrestling with the Void

Y'all, Mother Nature just hates a blank space. She doesn't like being naked (shocking, I know) and will cover herself with whatever she can to heal Herself. We, even as Witches, are fond of carving voids (btw, did you know that the word "avoid" comes from this other lovely word?) whether we realize it or not.

But, and this is a really cool "but": she loves the path of least resistance. It's the best resistance, of all--but it requires one hell of a dose of courage and constitution.

Walk with me a little here? Would love to hear your thoughts on this one.

Love ya like chicken,

To support this podcast and keep it on the air and receive extra content, go to https://www.patreon.com/southernfriedwitch

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E161: The Rideout--When to Open that Mason Jar of Peaches

We often forget that the whole reason for a harvest is in the reveling in it during Cailleach’s (the Celtic Winter Witch) long ride. Otherwise, what was it even for? I'm running around trying to prepare my little farm for 15 degrees, it turns out--something the Deep South is not prepared for, I assure you.

And so, I turn to my dried herbs and teas, my pickles and pears, and revel in the harvest. Part of that is time relishing the friendships that sustained me, and giving back to them as well. You, Batchildren, are a part of that harvest.

And I am part of yours.

Stay warm, Seba

To support this podcast and get access to extra content, go to: https://www.patreon.com/southernfriedwitch

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E160: When Warding Isn't Enough

So, you got a sign, you warded, and all is well . . . right?

Not so much. Let's talk about what's next after we get signs, where the holes might be in our warding, and the importance of paying attention to the nuances therein.

Love y'all like chicken! Seba

To support this podcast and get access to extra content, go to: https://www.patreon.com/southernfriedwitch

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E159: Where Science and Tradition Conflict--A Witch's New Year?

I talked a bit about this the other night on my Patreon fireside chat, but of course, I ended up wandering a bit. While tradition may hold that Samhain is the Witch’s New Year, my question will always be: whose tradition? From what geographical location? Turns out, in the Deep South, Yule has always felt more aligned with my own Witch’s New Year.

Y'all stay warm in this coming winter storm! Love y'all like chicken.

To support this podcast and receive extra content, go to: https://www.patreon.com/southernfriedwitch

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E158: The Problem with Comfortable Witchcraft--Centrifugal Force and Sudden Impact

I don't think I've ever been this raw while podcasting. It's been a long year for me, and for all of us I reckon. This is where I landed. I cannot thank all of those who held space for me, believed in me, and sent me so much energy and love.

I'm still healing, but that's a good thing. Love y'all like chicken--and the moon and stars.


P.S. Try to say centrifugal force five times really fast. Now, do it with a Southern accent, lol.

To support this podcast and receive extra content, go to: https://www.patreon.com/southernfriedwitch

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E157: Between Krampus and Claus--Where to Find Joy (for the exhausted/broken/struggling Witch)

I couldn't release the last one I did, y'all. It was a broken mess, and I worry that y'all can't handle much more of that. I saved it, so we will see if I ever get brave enough to put that out into the world.

But this one is special, in more than one way. Around minute 22, my son let my grandbaby call me--and then, let me keep it in the recording. (Don’t have time to smooth it, so prepare for a sudden baby voice.) This is my heart, the soul that has kept me alive.

And she was, indeed, wearing a "dwess."

Blessed Yule. Please light the candle of your heart and stay. I know how hard it is--but there's magic still. Love y'all like chicken. Seba

To support this podcast and receive extra content, go to: patreon.com/southernfriedwitch

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E156: Evolutionary Bets and the Winter Witch

I know I'm not the only one who suffers in the winter (shoutout to my sweet Joanna). This is one of the ways that I cope: by giving a sh*t, even though it feels counterintuitive to where I am in the cold.

Love y'all like chicken, Seba

To support this podcast and receive extra content from the porch, go to: https://www.patreon.com/southernfriedwitch

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E155: Ecology of a Southern Witch

Hey, y'all! This one is a little longer than usual. I just started rambling about why I do what I do and this is what came out, a love letter to the land. I did this one on September 14th, right before my legal battle, and released it only on Patreon to protect my land and family. I won that battle. Love y’all like chicken!

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E154: The Resistance--Planning, Planting, and Crafting

Just rambling about how to survive the coming changes, y'all. Winter is all about planning the garden to come, reflecting on where we've been, and gathering the lessons together around our hearth fires to ponder and reflect.

Love y'all like chicken, Seba

To support this podcast and receive extra content, go to: https://www.patreon.com/c/southernfriedwitch

*I briefly mention the "Toilet Paper Plant" aka Plectranthus barbatus in this episode. I'm thinking of sending cuttings in the spring to anyone in the Familiar/Cauldron level, so remind me in March? To learn more about this wondrous plant, go to: https://www.robingreenfield.org/bluespur/

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