Southern Fried Witch

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S2/E53: Southern Weavers--A Modern Day Rumpelstiltskin

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S2/E53: Southern Weavers--A Modern Day Rumpelstiltskin Seba O'Kiley

Y’all, it was my privilege and honor to have Dasos Crowsong on the show this week. We are winding down Weaver November by discussing the art of spinning, and actual weaving, and how it informs Dasos’s magic and journey as a Druid. Their path has always been one that wanted to be woven into stories, and here, we have nothing short of gold.

Dasos is the only true Rumpelstiltskin I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing.

Episode notes:
Dasos’s pronouns are he/her/she/him.
In addition to being a witch, Dasos is also a weaver, a spinner, a writer and a multimedia artist. She is studying the Ovate Grade (2nd degree equivalent) right now and the wandering path of that work has led her to filming a YouTube series that she hopes to begin releasing this month called SwampCraft.

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