Y'all, I tried not to talk about it. I walked around the house, I screamed at the sky, just trying to get it out of me--but, it still came out. Don't listen if you're tired of hearing about it. The thing is: I just couldn't get past the covert narcissism of the asshats who did this. And so . . .
I reckon I might lose some folks over this. But, this is where I stand. I figure, what the hell. Everything is burning, so will I.
Be safe. Be Witches. Don't stop planting the seeds. And I love y'all like chicken. Seba
To support this podcast and have access to extra content, go to: https://www.patreon.com/c/southernfriedwitch
Hey, y'all. Just me, ruminating on the truth of scars and how we can't truly erase our past. There's something exquisitely beautiful about scars, especially as they tell the real of a time and a place. As Witches, we know the value of tracing the memories, the history, and by doing so: find ourselves.
Love y'all like chicken, Seba
To support this podcast, go to: https://www.patreon.com/c/southernfriedwitch
Hey, y’all. I know that it’s been a very long time, but if you remember my “Message” from July: I’m holding to my promise. It’s October, the worst of my battle is over, and I’m back. Limping a little, but still standing on the porch.
I’m not going to over-edit this one. (That wouldn’t be authentic.) I feel very much like I’ve had surgery and don’t want to pop a stitch. There’s been asshattery and outright cowanism—and I may be releasing the episodes that have only been hosted over on Patreon for the past year. But in the meantime, settle in on the porch and let me tell you where I am today.
I’m healing. I’m a Witch who has survived betrayal trauma. And I’m here, once again, to share my barbaric yawp across the treetops.
Blessed Be, Seba
To support this podcast and listen to extra content, go to: https://www.patreon.com/c/southernfriedwitch
Hey, y’all: I’m continuing to release old extra content from Patreon until I can podcast publicly again in October. This is one of my “porch talks” with Terrin from August 25th, 2022 wherein Terrin shares his protection spells and sigils. Good stuff!
Love y’all like chicken, Seba
To support this podcast, go to: https://www.patreon.com/southernfriedwitch
I am releasing old content! This episode was originally released as Extra Content for Patreon members on 6.21/22. There’s an energetic flow under everything, and in this episode, Terrin calls it “witchifying” our daily energy flow. Love y’all like chicken!
Read MoreHey, y’all—it’s been a long time since I was able to release new content (except for on Patreon), but I wanted to keep this channel alive until after October. At that point, I’ll be free to share with y’all publicly again!
And so, in the meantime: I’m releasing old “extra content” from my Patreon. I’m starting with an episode from the way-back-machine, but then will share all eight extra content recordings with y’all!
Y’all, Seba is still podcasting, but only releasing privately on her Patreon for now. Episodes are released every week, so do check out her page at https://www.patreon.com/southernfriedwitch to keep listening!
Read MoreI'm still riding down old dirt roads, but lately, I've been running into me. As a little girl, I crafted safe little places to run when my world was crashing to the ground. It appears that they have waited for me, still beating and thumping somewhere in the summer of 1970-somethin.’
To support this podcast, go to: https://www.patreon.com/southernfriedwitch
I've spent a lot of time, y'all, in my woods lately. As a child, the woods were my momma, the cradle that saved me from trauma, and they still know my name. Thought I'd share.
Love y'all like chicken,
To support this podcast and keep me on the air, go to: https://www.patreon.com/southernfriedwitch
Behold, my field of f***s, and find that it is barren . . . and ready for planting. Let's talk about planting seeds, doing so as part of the Craft, and the responsibility therein.
Love y'all like chicken, Seba
To support this podcast, go to: https://www.patreon.com/southernfriedwitch