E103: Wild Witches--From Ukrainian Refugee to Family

Today is very special, y’all. Krista was a podcast listener who wrote on my page one day to tell me the story of her blended family. When the war broke out in the Ukraine, Krista (an American expatriate witch living in Germany) felt compelled to do something to help. It turned out that the pregnant woman she would give her home to was also a witch. And from there, it’s just magic.

Krista and I will chat about going wild in our Craft, while Tatiana and I will get to know each other from afar.

Tatiana's statement in her own language begins at 54:17.
The English translation begins at 1:08:55.

So, join us today on a very special chat from two porches, Germany and America, as Tatiana and Krista share their journey with us. And, as always: Bless the Ukraine.

Episode Notes:

Register for That Witch Life Mini-Con and hurry! Prices go up on March 6th.

The full English translation will be hosted on my website, The Southern Fried Witch

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