S2/E50: Laurie Strode and the Craft: How to be a Final Witch

Hey, y’all: this one is a little salty. As a Gen X witch, pop culture tends to weave itself through my understanding of most things, including my childhood. No one example was more powerful than Laurie Strode. That character taught me more about survival than any other, and for that I am eternally grateful. So, regardless of the gore, the cinematic cringe, and the poor ratings: something inherently vital was instilled in me while watching Halloween in 1978. While I had other models of strength as life moved along (RBG, Gloria Steinhem, my grandma), none prepared me to fight the boogeyman like Laurie Strode. So, bear with me.

This one is a doozy. Love y’all!

TW: Light references to assault. Discussion of a scary movie.

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