E111: Climate Catastrophe in a Small Town: The Camp Hill Disaster

This one breaks my heart, y'all.  I'm taking a break from talking about witchcraft for the week, mostly because I want to give my platform over to those who need it right now.  Camp Hill is right down the road from me: a town that is 90% African American and 100% in trouble right now.  My friend, Warren Tidwell, has quit his paid job to be on the ground and in person for these wonderful folks.  After the hail storm that ravaged most of the homes and cars in Camp Hill, another tragedy struck: the Dadeville shooting.  Two of the town’s beloved teens were tragically hurt in that shooting.  Please bear with me as I hand over my podcast to an interview with Warren--and please, share the podcast on this one.  They need us.

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Seba O'KileyComment

Welcome back the porch, y’all! In response to questions over the years about everything from my accent to why I won’t teach the Craft for money, today’s podcast does a deep dive behind the scenes. I was a blogger before I was a podcaster (starting officially in early 2011) and I suppose that forum lent itself to more foundational stuff. Those “OG” readers perhaps already know all of this (thanks for sticking with me, y’all), but knowing them, they’ll listen anyway.

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E108: Witchifying Birthdays

Hey, y’all! The other day, someone asked me why I celebrate my own birthday—as if it was a shameful thing to do. After decades of feeling that very way, I turned things around about seven years ago. Every year, I take a walk with the moon and to ponder growing older, a brave decision that I make every day and one that I take very seriously. In my fifty-seven years, I’ve not always been “given” a wonderful birthday. And so, as my hair turns ever more white, I give it to myself. It’s the deepest magic I’ve ever known as a witch. Y’all join me on the porch and, remember: witchify ‘ary damn thang, Batchildren!

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Seba O'KileyComment
E107: Rhythm Healer Drums--The Sacred Beat

Hey, y’all! If drumming is your thing, this is your episode. I chatted with old friends Eric and Mary Olson from Rhythm Healer Drums and we did a deep dive into all things drumming. Together, they took me on a little journey of my own as they told their magical story. I am reminded that there is a sacred thump under all things here on this wonderous Earth. And the beat, as they say, goes on!

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Seba O'KileyComment

Hey, Y’all! A Patreon supporter suggested this topic, a pretty good one if you ask me. Let’s talk about the things I wish I’d known all those years ago about the Craft. As usual, there are stories—but what witch worth her salt would even consider not weaving a tale here or there? Snuggle in for a longer one. Remember to write to me at seba@southernfriedwitch.com with your own “things you wish you had known.”

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Seba O'KileyComment

Hey, y’all. I’m not quite done with this topic: I’m like winter over here, stomping in with “and one more thing!” Today, I go deeper into the issue of connecting back to the witch body, sharing everything from my menopause experience to how I take myself to water (a blessing). The conversation about the human body is wrought with landmines: but I’m navigating it the best I can, y’all.

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Seba O'KileyComment

Hey, y’all! Today, it’s just you and me and a Listener Letter. I’ve been thinking about how hard it is to connect to my aging body without just throwing my hands up and sinking into the wrinkles, the changes, the evolution of my fleshy home. There’s power there, my witch kin. Follow me into the forgotten frontier: the corporeal witchy body. It leads right back to the soil, the trees, the rivers. Let’s take a walk.

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Seba O'KileyComment
E103: Wild Witches--From Ukrainian Refugee to Family

Today is very special, y’all. Krista was a podcast listener who wrote on my page one day to tell me the story of her blended family. When the war broke out in the Ukraine, Krista (an American expatriate witch living in Germany) felt compelled to do something to help. It turned out that the pregnant woman she would give her home to was also a witch. And from there, it’s just magic.

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Seba O'Kiley Comment
E102: Land Connection, Magical Resistance, and Outgrowing Capitalism with Rhyd Wildermuth

Hey, y’all! I have a friend with me on the porch today, Rhyd Wildermuth. He is an author, writer, Druid, podcaster, and co-founder/editor of Gods and Radicals Press—an anti-capitalism publishing house for the print journal, “A Beautiful Resistance.” But today, we are just wandering through a conversation about connecting with the land and how that equals magical resistance.

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