Pagan Thanksgiving Cometh
Y’all, it’s not only important to remember that Mabon in the Northern Hemisphere occurs in September (although, it helps): it is also good witchiness to remember region when contemplating the feast. As a harvest holiday, my Tribe’s table celebrates our local bounty more fully than just Celtic traditional foods on account of good, common witchy sense. Here in Salem, Alabama the gardens hold on sometimes until the first week of October due to pseudo-tropic temps and humidity; most of us are planting our fall garden right next to the last few tenacious cukes. With that in mind, SFW is throwing out a few down home, Alabama Celtic/Cherokee mutt recipes. (Sorry, y’all. We don’t take the fat out of food until the doctor makes us.)
First, see Dog Day Cookin’ (a post I put up a year ago) for some straight-from-the-garden ideas. [1] Here’s two new kitchen witcheries for the Deeply Southern table:
Simmered Fall Pears
Three or four cups of peeled and sliced baking pears (still firm!)
One cup sugar (less for lighter syrup)
Star Anise, cinnamon sticks, dried lemon peel and fresh nutmeg–to taste
Apple Cider vinegar
Plop pears into a mixing bowl, cover with water and two tablespoons vinegar. Have a cup of coffee. After twenty minutes, drain and put pears into large saucepan/pot. Cover with water, add sugar and spice and everything nice. Stir gentle until low boil, lower heat and simmer until syrupy. Ladle over ice-cream. (Around here, we add a quarter cup of brandy to the simmering–but remember to take off the heat while adding any alcohol and stir well before returning to the burner.)
Cherokee Puddin’
3 cups straight-off-the-cob corn
4 large eggs (fresh!)
4 1/2 cups whole milk (never low-fat, or pudding won’t set)
3 Tablespoons sugar (2 if less sweetness is desired)
1 Teaspoon fine sea salt AND pepper AND nutmeg
One medium Vidalia (sweet) onion, diced
Stick and a two tablespoons real butter
Saute onions in butter until clear, not browned. Butter 9×13 casserole dish heartily. Plop corn and onions in a mixing bowl and in another one whip eggs, milk, sugar, salt, pepper and nutmeg. Pour the whole shebang over corn mixture and fold in well. Bake slowly in a 350 oven until brown and bubbly on crust.
Note: I have exchanged one cup of the milk for that of cream and added crumbled bacon to the mix when I’m feeling a bit sinful. Take two aspirin and clear with your heart doc before consumption.
That’s it for now. I’m revving up for release of Boondock Witch (with recipes) and need to hold back a few for a spell. Y’all eat magically now, ya’ hear?